Lil' Angels Picture Day - Parent Contact Upload

Our Lil' Angels viewing and ordering process is changing to order completely online! Your parents will still receive a beautifully printed proof sheet to take home, but will be directed to order online versus having the purple box to turn things in. They will be able to see their images just days after the photoshoot through the emails provided with a direct link to their photos. This process also allows for more package options and instant delivery of digital files. The data we are asking for will NOT be shared with any third party vendors. This information is strictly used  to show parents their picture gallery.  This also immensely helps with separated families as well. Staff will still receive all of their discounts as well all through online. We will be asking for staff children's names at the photoshoot or you may even email after!

We are happy to work with any data format that your school provides to Lil' Angels. We would, however, prefer an excel spreadsheet format or the equivalent. We would appreciate your assistance in providing the following information in order to prepare for picture day:

1.) Student First Name

2.) Student Last Name

3.) All emails associated with that student (We need them ALL that way no family member misses out!)

4.) Phone numbers if easily in spreadsheet (they will receive one text with a link to their gallery if provided)

5.) Class Name (only if Elementary School)

If your document includes more information than is noted above, that's fine!  We will delete what we don't need.


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